The Boom Of STEM Education In Schools
One of the main objectives of technology is to make our lives easier, although sometimes along the way advances and transformations are generated that create great impacts on a social and cultural level.
For example, the arrival of automation and robotics put the future of certain jobs at stake that years ago we did not think could be replaced by machines, such as supermarket cashiers, waiters, journalists, and translators, among others. With that, we understood that education needs to take an urgent turn and adapt to new conditions.
For this reason, the most advanced countries in the world are investing increasingly in education and intellectual capital. Today's young people will need to develop better technological skills and competencies if they want to function competitively when they begin their job search.
In this context, the boom in STEM education arises, a model that promises to enhance the scientific-technological vocation of students from a young age, providing them with the necessary skills to find solutions to actual issues and successfully confront the future.
But what does the acronym STEM mean and what is its function? Let's see it.
Defining the term STEM education
The term STEM education, for its acronym in English, is the acronym of the words Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which would be: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
However, its popularity has been so great that in recent years other variants have begun to emerge, such as STEAM, where the “A” refers to the arts.
With these subjects, the aim is for students to deepen 7 skills:
1. Critical thinking
2. Problem resolution
3. Creativity
4. Innovation
5. Investigation
6. Collaboration
7. Leadership
The development and deepening of these disciplines create a prosperous economy and a safe and successful society since the STEM education model provides great benefits for the future of young people:
● Promotes proactive learning.
● Promotes teamwork.
● Teaches how to solve problems.
● Train logical-mathematical thinking.
● Integrate ICTs into learning.
● Improves self-esteem and self-confidence.
But before joining the new and popular STEM education model, schools must understand the role played by its component areas:
The “S” for science covers problems such as global warming, medicine and climate change. The “T” refers to technology, an area that includes everything from computers and programming to Artificial Intelligence.
The “E” is for engineering ( Engineering ), which brings together infrastructures, cities and bridges. The “M” for mathematics ( Mathematics ), integrates various fields such as economics, accounting, investments and taxes.
Now that you are clear about the concept of STEM, let's move on to understand the reason for its success and its impact on education and the future work of young people.
STEM Projects, for a Better Future
STEM education requires the application of innovative teaching and learning methods, where students are more receptive and can demonstrate their full potential, such as projects, laboratory practices and technological tools.
Without having people with strong backgrounds in science, math, and engineering, we cannot sustain an inventive economy, according to Bill Gates. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics play a fundamental role in the world's education. For this reason, countries such as Australia, Germany, France, Singapore, Great Britain, Japan and China have seriously adopted the STEM methodology.
For its part, in Latin America, the figures are not so encouraging. According to the ECLAC report “ Science, technology and Innovation in the Digital Economy” (2016), on the continent, there is a strong delay in university, postgraduate education and scientific production. Likewise, it is indicated that in the region many countries have a high school dropout rate and, in turn, an inadequate enrollment rate in higher education.
But we cannot become discouraged or let our guard down. On the contrary, in our role as educators, Blue Bells Public School must have provide everything so that our students have better possibilities in the future. The purpose of STEM education is to prepare new generations so that they can live in an environment of constant change and work in jobs that do not even exist today.
According to experts, in the coming years, STEM jobs will have a very high demand in the labor market; Furthermore, these types of jobs will boost the economy and the labor market.
So, as a teacher, coordinator or director, how are you contributing to the development of your students' STEM skills? If your school has not yet adopted this type of education.