8 Ways To Avoid Dry Hair This Winter
From the never-ending hair fall stories to the frizzy hair tales, hair-related issues become more prevalent during the winters than during any other season of the year. The cold winter conditions cause havoc on your hair and make them look so drab as the weather.
Here we tell you 8 simple ways to avoid dry hair this season! From basic things like how frequently should you wash your hair to choosing best Redensyl hair serum, we have covered it all.
⦁ Wash hair with lukewarm water
While it is such a pleasure to enjoy steamy showers on cold mornings, did you know that your hair silently bears the grunt of hot water and silently cries for help? Hot water makes your hair brittle and susceptible to breakage. So, you should always wash your hair with lukewarm water when the temperature falls to avoid your hair from getting dry.
⦁ Daily hair washes are a big no this season
Washing your hair daily keeps it clean. But during the winters, doing this everyday can do more harm than good. Shampooing your hair everyday rips off all the moisture content in your hair and makes them extremely dry. Dry hair is more vulnerable to break than a well moisturized hair. So, it is good to give a good break between hair washes. You could wash your hair a maximum three times a week to preserve their moisture content.
⦁ Get the ends trimmed regularly
Split ends are a very issue that people face during the winters that make the hair look pale. Apart from making your hair look so lifeless, split ends can also inhibit their growth. Hence, getting your hair trimmed at the bottom is important to promote natural hair growth. A well-trimmed hair looks dense and beautiful. To keep the hair free from split ends, you can trim them for about half an inch once every six weeks regularly.
⦁ Keep heat styling at bay
It is highly recommended to avoid using anything related to heat with respect to hair during the winters. Go a cold turkey on all heat related hair products like hair straightener, hair curler, and blow dryer . Using dryers to blow dry the hair causes potential damage to the hair and leads to hair fall and hair breaking. It is best to dry your hair with a soft cotton towel during the winter months as they do not weaken the strands of the hair.
⦁ Deep condition your hair at least once a week
Dryness is the most common hair in the cold months and deep conditioning them once a week lets you keep your hair nourished and moisturized. The best way to keep your hair moisturized is to use a leave-in conditioner that works on every single strand and embraces their natural oiliness.
Hair Masks are easy and efficient ways to enjoy beautiful hair during the cold days. You can apply hair masks to the wahed, towel dried hair from the scalp to the tips and leave them for about 10 minutes. You can then lather and rinse with lukewarm water thoroughly. Alternatively, you can also use DIY hair masks at home to get the same results as commercial hair masks.
⦁ Use winter hats
The freezing temperature, low humidity levels, haze, and pollution levels in the open can take a toll on your hair health. Hence, it is highly recommended to use winter hats or scarves to cover your head when stepping out of the house. Wash the winter hats and scarves regularly to keep them clean.
⦁ Do not brush wet hair
Brushing your hair when it is wet makes the tangles stronger and causes hair fall. Therefore, you should use a wet brush to remove the tangles in the winters. Use gentle strokes from top to bottom as you brush your hair.
⦁ Oil massage your scalp
Massaging your hair with a light oil like coconut oil during winters helps the scalp and hair replenish with necessary moisture. Choose oils that are not so dense so that they are easily absorbed and do not give you an oily look. You can also go for a Natural Hair serum that can nourish your hair and promote their growth naturally.
We understand that dryness is indeed an issue that makes your hair look so boring. We hope that these simple tips to keep your hair well moisturized will let you enjoy lustrous hair even on those freezing winter mornings.